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What To Bring To A Concert

Knowing what to bring to a concert will help you get the most out of your favorite music festival or live show. Having a positive attitude and a cool vibe will guarantee you’ll have a great time and being prepared sets the tone for an incredible, stress free event. Whether you’re on your way to see Bruno Mars in Las Vegas or Luke Combs at an outdoor country festival like Stagecoach, get the best experience possible with our ultimate concert essentials check list.

What To Bring To A Concert

What To Bring To A Concert Checklist

The Quick What To Bring To A Concert List

  • Clear Bag
  • Fully Charged Cell Phone
  • Portable Phone Charger
  • Verified Tickets (if using an app, have app downloaded and ready)
  • Cash, Credit Card, and Valid ID
  • Hair Ties
  • Earplugs
  • Sunscreen (for outdoor events)
  • Hat and Sunglasses (for outdoor/daytime events)
  • Light Jacket or Sweatshirt
  • Tissues and/or Wipes
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Chap Stick
  • Water Bottle (where permitted)
  • Portable Chair and/or Blanket (where permitted, for outdoor festivals)
  • Mini Fan
  • Poncho
  • Band-Aids/Mini Emergency Kit

1. Portable Charger or Charging Case 

You may have already zapped your battery with pre-concert fun and now you’re at 12% with the concert yet to start. Having a portable charger will not only save you by being able to access your mobile ticket, but you can also continue to record your epic night. The extra battery charger will give you the juice you need to contact your ride home or ride share app at the event’s end.

Some concerts prohibit cell phones inside the venue and will require that you place your cell phone in a locked pouch during the show. You will have the locked pouch in your possession throughout the show, and it will be unlocked as you exit the venue.

2. Mini Fan

Bring a personal mini fan to cool off and prevent heat exhaustion and sweating. Some mini fans also spray cool mist. Several models are equipped with a power bank to charge your phone and a useful flashlight. This is a game changer well worth the investment. Don’t forget the batteries or to charge the night before!

3. Poncho

If your concert is outside and the chance of rain is probable; pack a tiny, plastic poncho. Visit your local dollar store for travel ponchos that will keep you dry and can be easily discarded. Bringing an umbrella may be impractical and not allowed at the venue.

4. Clear Plastic Bag / Backpack

The trend at many stadiums and outdoor venues is to require all guests to use a see thru backpack or bag for entry. You will not want to incur the cost of a $25 plastic bag and then waste time transferring all your personal items to the clear bag. It’s a hassle and maybe a bit TMI on your first date. Wearing a fanny pack will free you up and we hear they are back in style. Be sure to read your venue’s policy before you go.

5. Tennis Shoes/Comfortable Shoes

Before you commit to those perfect high heels, think twice. Is your concert at a park? Will you have to walk back, way back, to your car after the long night? Wearing comfortable shoes will ensure you won’t have your feet exposed to filthy floors, sharp objects, or muddy grass. Wearing comfortable shoes will prevent you from having to sit because your feet are killing you while those standing block your view.

6. Cash

Many venues have transitioned to cashless, but it’s still important to carry some with you just in case. Some venues have cash only vendors outside. Either way, it’s just a great idea to bring cash for concession purchases and not to have to track down the nearest ATM.

7. Earplugs

You’re planning to rock out, but you may need a bit of relief from the damaging decibel levels. If you’re taking the little ones along, this is a smart pack. Many on the market protect your ears from loud noises without compromising superior sound quality.

8. Sunscreen

Pack a travel size stick that is easy to use on the go. Be sure to check your concert location and seat location. You may find yourself singing the blues as the sun beats down on you for hours. You’ll never regret dabbing sunscreen on your face and other common sunburn areas.

9. Safety Pins

You just never know. With all that jumping and dancing in your seat, you may just pop a stitch or two. Having different sized safety pins can save the night and secure your garments in place. You don’t want to show more than your enthusiasm to the crowd!

10. Band-Aids

Ok, so you wore those strappy heels and now you’re feeling the burn! Even new sneakers can rub your heels into a fast blister. Having band aids will mitigate the pain and come in handy if you suddenly get a paper cut. Remember to pack a few because after all, you will need them for each foot.

11. Sunglasses

Not any sunglasses will do! Bring a pair of sunglasses that are comfortable and won’t be a discomfort during your concert. If your show is outside, then get a better view by blocking out the rays with sunglasses.

12. Hat

Sometimes wearing sunglasses doesn’t give you the protection you really need from the sun. Bring a hat. We recommend trying a few before you go. Ball caps with netted backs are best for keeping cool.

13. Hand Sanitizer

Bringing sanitizer to any public event is essential at this point. Mini hand sanitizers can be easily fastened to your bag and are easy to access.

14. Comfortable Clothes

Your concert maybe inside, but you’ll still be at the mercy of the temperature. It won’t be a fabulous time if your legs are freezing or your pants are pinching your waist all through your favorite song. Of course, you want to dress to the nines, but who wants to have pinching undergarments, not all Spanx are made equal.

15. Driver’s License/State ID

If you’re picking up tickets at will call or buying a drink at the bar, you need to show your ID. Many festivals and shows are age restricted and you must be 18+ to attend.

16. Paper Ticket

Printed tickets have been replaced with mobile ticketing apps, but what if you suddenly lose or break your phone? What a hassle, especially if the show is about to start. Bringing a a physical ticket is a smart backup plan just in case.

17. Hair Ties

A simple hair tie can save the day or night. Just being able to pull the hair from your face will cool you off and prevent getting too sweaty as you rock out.

18. A Foldable Chair/ Blanket

Where permitted at outdoor events and venues, bring a lightweight blanket or portable folding chair to your concert. Find a lightweight, portable chair that you can pick up quickly and move for a better view. Picnic blankets are perfect for outdoor festivals. Many blanket models have zipper pockets for convenient storage.

19. A Water Bottle

Most venues restrict the type of drinkware you can bring in. Most prohibit glass and any bottle over one liter. Your bottle will need to be empty when you enter. We like the soft, collapsible water bottles hitting the market. They are lightweight and won’t weigh down your backpack. Music festivals are notorious for overcharging fans for the water we need not to pass out from heat stroke.

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Cindy is an OC native fond of PCH road trips to places like Rosa Santa or Carmel. She’s a mother of three spending her free time baking apple pies, cooking green enchiladas, and listening to 80s music. She’s a beach girl at heart and Cancun is her go to paradise.