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Orange County Instagram Accounts

Find the best Instagram accounts to follow in Orange County. We’ve compiled a list of over 200 Orange County places and event Instagram profiles to follow. We’ve made it easy because Instagram search let’s you discover profiles by people, tags or places but you won’t find many of the best OC Instagram accounts this way.

Looking for top Orange County influencers? We’ve got you covered with that list too. Plus, find some of the most Instagrammable Spots In OC! You can also follow us on Instagram @EnjoyOrangeCounty.

Orange County Instagram Accounts

Orange County Places Instagram Accounts

Adventure City (@adventurecitythemepark)
Balboa Fun Zone Ferris Wheel (@balboaferriswheel)
Boomers Irvine (@boomersirvine)
Discovery Cube (@thediscoverycube)
Disneyland (@disneyland)
Disneyland Ambassador (@disneylandambassador)
Disneyland Cast and Community (@disneylandcastandcommunity)
Disney Parks Blog (@disneyparks)
Disney California Adventure (@californiaadventurepark)
The Christ Cathedral (formerly Crystal Cathedral (@christcathedralca)
Crystal Cove State Park (@crystalcovestatepark)
FivePoint Amphitheatre (@fivepointamphitheatre)
Fullerton Arboretum (@fullertonarboretum)
Honda Center (@hondacenter)
House of Blue Anaheim (@hobanaheim)
Garden Amp (@gardenampoc)
Knott’s Berry Farm (@knottsberryfarm)
Knott’s Soak City (@soakcityca)
Medieval Times (@medieval_times)
Observatory Orange County (@observatoryoc)
OC Zoo (no instagram page)
Orange County Great Park (@yourgreatpark)
Orange County Parks (@ocparkslife)
Pacific Amphitheatre (@pacificamphitheatre)
Pacific Marine Mammal Center (@pacificmmc)
Pirate’s Dinner Adventure (@piratedinnerca)
Santa Ana Zoo (@thesantaanazoo)
Segerstrom Center for the Arts (@segerstromarts)
Splash! La Mirada (@splashlamirada)
Tanaka Farms (@tanakafarms)
UCI Beal Center (@ucibeallcenter)
Zoomars (@zoomars)

Orange County Shopping, Food & Entertainment Centers Instagram Accounts

5th and PCH (@5thandpch)
Anaheim GardenWalk (@thegardenwalk)
Anaheim Hills Festival (@anaheimhillsfestival)
Anaheim Marketplace (@anaheimmarketplace)
Anaheim Packing District (@packingdistrict)
Asian Garden Mall (@asiangardenmall)
Bella Terra Huntington Beach (@bellaterrahb)
Brea Mall (@shopbreamall)
Buena Park Downtown – Mall & Kirkorian Courtyard (@buenaparkdwtn)
The CAMP (@thecampoc)
Diamond Jamboree (@diamondjamboree)
The District at Tustin Legacy (@thedistricttustin)
Downtown Disney (@downtowndisneydistrictanaheim)
Costa Mesa Courtyards (@shopcostamesa)
Fashion Island (@fashionisland)
Five Lagunas (@five_lagunas)
Irvine Spectrum Center (@irvinespectrumcenter)
The Lab Anti-Mall (@thelabantimall)
Lido Marina Village (@lidomarinavillage)
MainPlace Mall (@shopmainplacemall)
McFadden Public Market (@mcfaddenmarket)
Mess Hall Market (@messhallmarketoc)
OCC Swap Meet (@occswapmeet)
Open Market OC (@openmarketoc)
Outlets at Orange (@outletsatorange)
Outlets at San Clemente (@outletssc)
Pacific City (@pacific_city)
The Shops at Mission Viejo (@shopsmv)
The Shops at Rossmoor (@theshopsatrossmoor)
SOCO & The OC Mix (@socoandtheocmix)
The Source (@thesourceoc)
South Coast Plaza (@southcoastplaza)
Trade Food Hall (@tradeirvine)
Tustin Marketplace (no Instagram page)
The Village (@shoptvo)
Union Market Mission Viejo (@unionmarketmv)
Union Market Tustin (@unionmarkettustin)
Westminster Mall (@shopwestminster)

Orange County Museum Instagram Accounts

Balboa Island Museum (@balboaislandmuseum)
Bowers Museum (@bowersmuseum)
Casa Romantica (@casaromanticasc)
The Children’s Museum at La Habra (@cmlahabra)
Costa Mesa Historical Society (@costamesastory)
Fullerton Museum (@fullertonmuseum)
Heritage Museum of Orange County (@heritagemusoc)
International Surfing Museum (@international_surfing_museum)
Laguna Art Museum (@lagunaartmuseum)
Marconi Automotive Museum (@marconimuseum)
Mission San Juan Capistrano (@missionsanjuancapistrano)
Muzeo Museum & Cultural Center (@muzeo)
Newland Center / House (@newlandcenterhb)
Noguchi Museum (@noguchimuseum)
OC Center for Contemporary Art (@occcart)
OCMA|OC Museum of Art (@ocmuseumofart)
Pretend City Children’s Museum (@pretendcity)
Richard Nixon Library (@nixonlibrary)
SHACC | Surfing Heritage & Culture Center (@surfingheritage)

Orange County Event Instagram Accounts

1000 Lights Festival (@1000lightsfestival)
Dana Point Festival of Whales (@festivalofwhales)
Doheny Blues Festival (@dohenybluesfestival)
Festival of Arts Pageant (@festivalpageant)
Fiesta de las Golondrinas (Return of the Swallow’s, San Juan Capistrano) (No IG page)
The Great Pacific Airshow (@pacificairshow)
Huntington Harbour Boat Parade (@hhboatparade)
Huntington Harbour Cruise of Lights (@cruiseoflights)
La Habra Citrus Fair (@lahabracitrusfair)
La Habra Corn Festival (no Instagram page)
Laguna Art-A-Fair (@lagunaartafair)
Laguna Beach Music Festival (no Instagram page)
Lobsterfest at Newport Beach (@lobsterfestatnb)
Newport Beach Boat Parade (@christmasboatparade)
OC Burger Week (@burgerweek.official)
OC Cherry Blossom Festival (@occbfest)
OC Fair & Event Center (@oc_fair)
OC Night Market (@626nightmarket_oc)
OC Restaurant Week (@ocrestaurantweek)
OC WineFest (@ocwinefest)
OC Yoga Festival (@ocyogafestival)
Old World Huntington Beach | Oktoberfest (@biergartenhb)
Orange County Fashion Week (@ocfashionweek)
Orange International Street Fair (@theorangecircle)
Newport Beach Boat Parade (@christmasboatparade)
Newport Beach Film Festival (@newportbeachfilmfest)
Newport Beach Wine & Food Festival (@newportbeachwineandfood)
Corona del Mar Sandcastle Contest (@sandcastlecontest)
Santa Ana Art Walk (@dtsantaana)
Sawdust Art Festival (@sawdustartfestival)
Silverado Days (no Instagram page)
Strawberry Festival (@strawberry_festival)
Surf City Nights (@surfcitynightshb)
Tustin Street Fair & Chili Cook-off (@tustinchilicookoff)
Tết Festival (@tetfest)
US Open of Surf (@usopenofsurf)
Winterfest (@winterfestoc)

Orange County News Instagram Accounts

The Daily Pilot (@thedailypilot)
Dana Point Times (@danapointtimes)
Irvine Community News (@irvinecommunitynews)
Irvine Weekly (@irvineweekly)
LA Times (@latimes)
OC Register (@ocregister)
San Clemente Times (@s_c_times)
Voice of OC (@voiceofoc)

Orange County Magazine Instagram Accounts

COAST | Coast Magazine (@coastmagazineoc)
Cowan Heights Living Magazine (No IG account)
Dove Canyon Living Magazine (@dovecanyonliving)
Locale Magazine (@localemagazine)
Orange Coast Magazine (@orangecoastmag)
Orange County Business Journal (@ocbizjournal)
Parenting OC Magazine (@ParentingOCMag)
Modern Luxury OC (@modernluxuryoc)
San Clemente Journal (@sanclementejournal)
Villa Park Magazine | The Hidden Jewel (@villaparkthehiddenjewel)

Orange County Sports Team Instagram Accounts

Anaheim Ducks (@anaheimducks)
Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (@angels)

Official Local Tourism Destination Instagram Accounts

Visit The USA (@visittheusa)
Visit California (@visitcalifornia)
Visit Catalina Island (@visitcatalinaisland)
Visit the OC (@visittheoc)
Destination Irvine (@destinationirvine)
Shop & Dine Lake Forest (@lakeforestbusiness)
Travel Costa Mesa (@travelcostamesa)
Visit Anaheim (@visitanaheim)
Visit Buena Park (@visitbuenapark)
Visit Dana Point (@mydanapoint)
Dana Point Lantern Village (@danapointlanternvillage)
Visit Huntington Beach (@surfcityusa)
Visit Laguna Beach (@visitlaguna)
Visit Newport Beach (@visitnewportbeach)
Dine Newport Beach (@dinenewportbeach)
Visit Balboa Island (@visitbalboaisland)
Visit Balboa Village (@visitbalboavillage)

Unofficial Local Guide Instagram Accounts

All Things Laguna Beach (@allthingslagunabeach)
Brea Downtown (@brea.downtown)
Dana Point Harbor (@danapoint_harbor)
Downtown Anaheim (@downtownanaheim)
Downtown Laguna (@downtownlaguna)
Downtown Santa Ana (@dtssantaana)
Huntington Beach (@huntington_beach)
I Love Newport Beach (@newportbeach)
Laguna Beach Visitors Guide (@lagunabeachvisitorsguide)
Laguna Niguel (@lagunaniguelcom)
Laguna Woods Chamber of Commerce (no account) (@lakeforest_com) (@missionviejocom)
Newport Beach City Guide (@newportbeachcityguide)
San Clemente Guide (@sanclementecityguide) (@sanclementecom) (@sanjuancapistranocom)
Visit Corona Del Mar (@visitcoronadelmar)

City Chambers of Commerce Instagram Accounts

Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce (@alisoviejochamber)
Anaheim Chamber of Commerce (@anaheim_chamber)
Brea Chamber of Commerce (@brea_chamber)
Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce (@costamesa_commerce)
Cypress Chamber of Commerce (@cypresschamber)
Dana Point Chamber of Commerce (@danapointchamber)
Fountain Valley Chamber (@fvchamber)
Garden Grove Chamber of Commerce (@gg_chamber)
Greater Irvine Chamber of Commerce (@irvinechamber)
Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce (@hbchamber)
La Habra Chamber of Commerce (@lahabrachamberofcommerce)
Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce (@chamberlb)
Laguna Hills Chamber of Commerce (@lagunahillschamber)
Laguna Niguel Chamber of Commerce (@lagunaniguelchamber)
Lake Forest Chamber of Commerce (@lfchamber)
Los Alamitos Chamber of Commerce (@los_alamitos_chamber_of_commer)
Mission Viejo Chamber of Commerce (@missionviejochamber)
Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce (@nbchamber)
North Orange County Chamber – Buena Park, Fullerton, La Palma, Stanton (@nocchamber)
Orange Chamber of Commerce (@orangechamber)
Placentia Chamber of Commerce (@placentiachamber)
Rancho Santa Margarita (RSM) Chamber of Commerce (@chamberofrsm)
San Clemente Chamber of Commerce (@sanclementechamber)
San Juan Capistrano Chamber (@sanjuanchamber)
Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce (@santaanachamber)
Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce (@sealbeach_chamber)
Tustin Chamber of Commerce (no Instagram page)
Villa Park Chamber of Commerce (no chamber est.)
Westminster Chamber of Commerce (@wmchamber)
Yorba Linda Chamber of Commerce (@yorbalinda_chamber)

Local Official City Instagram Accounts

City of Aliso Viejo (@cityofalisoviejo)
City of Anaheim (@city_of_anaheim)
City of Brea (@cityc_of_brea)
City of Buena Park (@cityofbuenapark)
City of Costa Mesa (@cityofcostamesa)
City of Cypress (@cityofcypress)
City of Dana Point (@cityofdanapoint)
City of Fountain Valley (@fvproud)
City of Fullerton (@cityoffullerton)
City of Garden Grove (@gardengrovecityhall)
City of Huntington Beach (@cityofhb)
City of Irvine (@cityofirvine)
City of La Habra (@cityoflahabra)
City of La Palma (@cityoflapalma)
City of Laguna Beach (@lagunabeachgov)
City of Laguna Hills (no Instagram page)
City of Laguna Niguel (@cityoflagunaniguel)
City of Laguna Woods (no Instagram page)
City of Lake Forest (@cityoflakeforestca)
City of Los Alamitos (no Instagram page)
City of Mission Viejo (@missionviejolife)
City of Newport Beach (@cityofnewportbeach)
City of Orange (@city_of_orange_ca)
City of Placentia (no Instagram page)
City of Rancho Santa Margarita (@rsmcity)
City of San Clemente (@cityofsanclemente)
City of San Juan Capistrano (no Instagram page)
City of Santa Ana (@cityofsantaana)
City of Seal Beach (no Instagram page)
City of Stanton (@cityofstanton)
City of Tustin (no Instagram page)
City of Villa Park (@cityofvp)
City of Westminster (@citywestminster)
City of Yorba Linda (@cityofyorbalinda)

City Taste of … Instagram Accounts

List only includes Cities with Taste of … Instagram profiles.

Taste of Aliso Niguel (@taste.of.aliso.niguel)
Taste of Anaheim (@tasteofanaheim)
Taste of Brea (@taste_of_brea)
Taste of Fountain Valley (@tasteoffv)
Taste of Huntington Beach (@hbtaste)
Taste of Laguna (@tasteoflaguna)
Taste of Santa Ana (@tasteofsantaana)

Top Orange County Hashtags

#alisoviejo, #anaheim, #anaheimangels, #anaheimhills, #angelsstadium, #balboaisland, #balboapeninsula, #breamall, #buenapark, #Cali, #California, #californiaadventure, #californiaadventures, #coronadelmar, #costamesa, #cypress, #danapoint, #danapointharbor, #dineoc, #disneyland, #downtownanaheim, #downtownbrea, #downtownfullerton, #downtowndisney, #dtsa, #enjoyoc, #fashionisland, #foothillranch, #fullerton, #hondacenter, #houseofbluesanaheim, #huntingtonbeach, #huntingtonbeachca, #huntingtonbeachpier, #irvine, #irvinespectrum, #knotts, #knottsberryfarm, #Laguna, #LagunaBeach, #LagunaFestivalofArts, #lagunahills, #lagunaniguel, #lakeforest, #lidomarinavillage, #missionviejo, #newportbeach, #newportbeachpier, #newportcoast, #oc, #ocart, #ocbaby, #ocbeach, #ocblogger, #ocbloggers, #ocblog, #oceats, #ocevent, #ocevents, #ocfair, #ocfood, #ocfoodfiend, #ocfoodie, #ocfoodies, #ocgirl, #ochair, #ockids, #oclife, #oclifestyle #ocmeme, #ocmom, #ocmoms, #ocnightlife, #ocnightmarket, #ocoutdoors, #OCRealEstate, #ocsports, #ocstylist, #ocwedding, #orangecircle, #orangecounty, #orangecountyca, #orangecountycalifornia, #orangecountyfair, #orangecountyfood, #orangecountyhairstylist, #orangecountyhomes, #orangecountymakeupartist, #orangecountymoms, #orangecountynails, #orangecountyphotographer, #orangecountyphotography, #orangecountyrealestate, #orangecountyresort, #orangecountyweddingphotographer, #orangecountywedding, #pacificcity, #PageantoftheMasters, #placentia, #ranchosantamargarita, #sanclemente, #sanclementepier, #sanjuancapistrano, #SantaAna, #sealbeach, #socal, #SoCalLife, #southcoastplaza, #SouthernCalifornia, #surfcity, #tanakafarms, #TheOC, #thingstodoinoc, #tustin, #usopen, #usopensurfing, #villapark, #visittheoc, #westminster, #yelpoc, #yorbalinda

Follow us on Instagram @EnjoyOrangeCounty.

Orange County Instagram InfluencersOrange County Instagram Accounts
Instagrammable Spots in Orange CountyOrange County Guide
Free Things To Do In OCFairs & Festivals in Orange County
Monique McArthur is a mother of two, writer, and creator of delicious recipes. In her spare time she enjoys exploring all that Orange County has to offer, traveling, shopping, running with her dogs and spending time with family.