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California Coastal Cleanup Day

California Coastal Cleanup Day is an annual event focused on the cleaning and preservation of the California coastline and waterways. Traditionally held every third Saturday of September and organized by the California Coastal Commission, it is one of the largest volunteer efforts in California. Seeking to promote awareness concerning environmental impacts on the marine and coastal regions.

California Coast Cleanup Day will take place on Saturday, September 21, 2024.

California Coastal Cleanup Day

During California Coastal Cleanup Day, volunteers gather at coastal and inland destinations to pick up trash, debris, and litter from beaches, shorelines, creeks, rivers, parks, and neighborhoods. Data collected on debris types and quantities is utilized to pinpoint pollution origins, educate the public, and advocate for policies and regulations aimed at minimizing marine debris.

Some of the most commonly collected items are cigarette butts, food wrappers & containers, caps/lids, bags (paper & plastic), cups/plates/utensils, straws/stirrers, glass beverage bottles, beverage cans and construction material.

How To Participate

Participating in Coastal Cleanup Day is a great way to contribute to the preservation of our coastlines and waterways no matter where you live. Check the California Coastal Cleanup Map for a cleanup site in your area. All the information you need is located within each pin on the map.

California Coastal Cleanup Day

California Coastal Cleanup Day: Saturday, September 21, 2024

OC Coastal Cleanup Day Locations

Sign up online with the official County Coordinator, Orange County Coastkeeper, on Eventbrite.

Additional Ways To Cleanup California’s Coast

Surfrider Foundation Chapter’s schedule beach cleanups. See the South Orange County and the North Orange County Surfrider cleanup schedules.

Orange County Coastkeeper has monthly beach cleanups. See the OCC Beach Cleanup Schedule.

Many corporations, service and professional organizations and hundreds of California schools participate in the Adopt-A Beach program. When a group “adopts” a beach, they commit to cleaning it at least three times per year.

Scout projects and other volunteer opportunities are available for half day, full day, and complex projects.

Litter Getters Beach Cleanup is an all-ages hour-long volunteer beach cleanup perfect for kids and adults to get outside at their local state park.

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Monique McArthur is a mother of two, writer, and creator of delicious recipes. In her spare time she enjoys exploring all that Orange County has to offer, traveling, shopping, running with her dogs and spending time with family.